clu_ann <- scCATCH(clu_markers_v2, species = 'Human', tissue = 'Brain')
Since I have the markers and annotated clusters identified, is there a way to get UMAP and PCA plots from this? If so, is there a way to visualize my annotated clusters code wise? If you can help out with this, then that would be greatly appreciated.
Hello scCATCH developers,
First off, thanks for creating this great tool. I am using it now for my single-cell analysis, and it's been working great so far.
So I've done the following for my analysis:
clu_markers <- findmarkergenes(cells_human_tc, species = 'Human', cluster = 'All', match_CellMatch = FALSE, cancer = NULL, tissue = c('Brain','Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex'), cell_min_pct = 0.1, #as recommended by Issues Github page logfc = 0.1, #as recommended by Issues Github page pvalue = 0.05)
clu_ann <- scCATCH(clu_markers_v2, species = 'Human', tissue = 'Brain')
Since I have the markers and annotated clusters identified, is there a way to get UMAP and PCA plots from this? If so, is there a way to visualize my annotated clusters code wise? If you can help out with this, then that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Phoebe