ZL-Audio / ZLEqualizer

equalizer plugin
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
309 stars 8 forks source link

[FR]: Move Linux config folder location #123

Closed therealfumbles closed 1 month ago

therealfumbles commented 1 month ago

Thanks for taking the time to make a feature request!


The plugin config is currently stored in ~/.config/Audio/Presets/ZL/ZL Equalizer

The Audio and Presets folders are unnecessary and are perhaps inherited from the typical macOS folder layout.

What do you want?

A better fit would be ~/.config/ZL/ZL Equalizer

As this could ultimately apply to other ZL plugins it's best to have a ZL parent folder.

Code of Conduct

zsliu98 commented 1 month ago

I don't think the actual path matters as the users should not visit this path. I can treat ~/.config/Audio/Presets/ZL as the parent folder.