ZLMediaKit / ZLMediaKit

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
13.98k stars 3.42k forks source link

Technical Issue: Failed to push live broadcast to Huayi using RTMP. #3414

Open gavanlv opened 7 months ago

gavanlv commented 7 months ago


2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: H264
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: H265
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: JPEG
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: mpeg4-generic
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: opus
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: PCMA
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: PCMU
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: L16
2024-03-27 09:38:15.445 D [test] [12001-stamp thread] util.cpp:366 operator() | Stamp thread started
2024-03-27 09:38:15.447 I [test] [12001-test] EventPoller.cpp:500 EventPollerPool | EventPoller created size: 4
2024-03-27 09:38:15.529 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSink.cpp:162 emitAllTrackReady | All track ready use 80ms
2024-03-27 09:38:15.529 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSink.cpp:280 addMuteAudioTrack | Mute aac track added
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.532 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.532 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-1 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.534 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:fmp4://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.534 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MultiMediaSourceMuxer.cpp:555 onAllTrackReady | stream: schema://__defaultVhost__/app/stream , codec info: mpeg4-generic[8000/1/16] H264[1280/720/25]
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.535 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.535 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-2 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.536 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:rtsp://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.536 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-1 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.537 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-2 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.539 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.539 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.539 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.564 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.564 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-3 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.565 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:rtmp://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.566 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.566 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-4 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.567 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:ts://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.567 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-3 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.568 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-4 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.570 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.570 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.570 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.572 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
2024-03-27 09:38:25.532 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.533 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-1 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.533 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown
2024-03-27 09:38:25.536 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.536 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-2 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.536 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown
2024-03-27 09:38:25.565 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.565 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-3 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.565 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown
2024-03-27 09:38:25.566 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.566 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-4 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.566 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown

通过RTMP协议往虎牙直播推流,提示推流超时,能帮看看是什么原因么,感谢。 打印如下:

2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: H264
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: H265
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: JPEG
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: mpeg4-generic
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: opus
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: PCMA
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: PCMU
2024-03-27 09:38:15.443 I [test] [12001-test] Factory.cpp:41 registerPlugin | Load codec: L16
2024-03-27 09:38:15.445 D [test] [12001-stamp thread] util.cpp:366 operator() | Stamp thread started
2024-03-27 09:38:15.447 I [test] [12001-test] EventPoller.cpp:500 EventPollerPool | EventPoller created size: 4
2024-03-27 09:38:15.529 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSink.cpp:162 emitAllTrackReady | All track ready use 80ms
2024-03-27 09:38:15.529 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSink.cpp:280 addMuteAudioTrack | Mute aac track added
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.532 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.532 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-1 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.534 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:fmp4://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.534 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MultiMediaSourceMuxer.cpp:555 onAllTrackReady | stream: schema://__defaultVhost__/app/stream , codec info: mpeg4-generic[8000/1/16] H264[1280/720/25]
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.535 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.535 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-2 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.536 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:rtsp://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.536 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-1 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.537 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-2 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.539 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.539 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.539 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.540 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.564 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.564 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-3 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.565 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:rtmp://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
regist type:1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.566 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:83 publish | live huyalive
2024-03-27 09:38:15.566 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:79 startConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-4 start connect
2024-03-27 09:38:15.567 I [test] [12001-event poller 1] MediaSource.cpp:517 emitEvent | 媒体注册:ts://__defaultVhost__/live/stream1
2024-03-27 09:38:15.567 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-3 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.568 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:89 onSockConnect | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-4 connect result: 0(success)
2024-03-27 09:38:15.570 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.570 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.570 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:760 handle_chunk | MSG_WIN_SIZE:1310720
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:767 handle_chunk | MSG_SET_PEER_BW:2500000 2
2024-03-27 09:38:15.571 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpProtocol.cpp:725 handle_chunk | CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN:0
2024-03-27 09:38:15.572 W [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:316 onRtmpChunk | can not support cmd:onBWDone
2024-03-27 09:38:25.532 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.533 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-1 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.533 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown
2024-03-27 09:38:25.536 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.536 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-2 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.536 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown
2024-03-27 09:38:25.565 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.565 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-3 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.565 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown
2024-03-27 09:38:25.566 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | publish rtmp timeout
err_msg:publish rtmp timeout
2024-03-27 09:38:25.566 T [test] [12001-event poller 1] TcpClient.cpp:75 operator() | mediakit::PusherImp<mediakit::RtmpPusher, mediakit::PusherBase>-4 on err: 6(teardown)
2024-03-27 09:38:25.566 D [test] [12001-event poller 1] RtmpPusher.cpp:47 onPublishResult_l | teardown


xiongguangjie commented 5 months ago

You need to provide the packet capture file, this way looking at the log alone is not visible, and at the same time, ensure the code is up-to-date.
