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**Feature Request: Setting Request Headers During Stream Proxy Live Streaming** #3820

Open zqs125 opened 2 months ago

zqs125 commented 2 months ago

Describe the purpose of this feature, and provide relevant information to describe this feature

Currently, in a scenario where requests are restricted to a specific UA, and the parameters in the addStreamProxy do not specify setting the request headers, can you provide an addStreamProxy streaming request header setting parameter? For example, setting the User-Agent or is there another way to set a request header for streaming now?

Is this feature used to improve project defects? If so, please describe the existing defects

Describe how you expect to achieve this feature and the final effect






xia-chu commented 2 months ago

What protocol do you mean? Which server has such a restriction?

http-flv/http-ts/hls/rtsp拉流都支持UA,你说的哪个协议? 什么服务端有这种限制?


zqs125 commented 2 months ago

Here is the translated text:


I may not be clear in my expression, but what I mean is that when I add a stream through addStreamProxy, when zlmediakit pulls this stream, the server is restricted by a specific UA, so a UA must be carried to pull it. I checked the parameters and configuration file of addStreamProxy, but I didn't see a setting for the request header. So I wonder, through what method can I set this?

http-flv/http-ts/hls/rtsp拉流都支持UA,你说的哪个协议? 什么服务端有这种限制?



xia-chu commented 2 months ago

No way to set up his server like this, is it like he's the strong party in this matter?

没法设置 他这服务器这么设置 是什么强势甲方吗