Please provide a short description of what feature you're looking forward to
enhance below. Please include the story behind your idea as well to give a
better visualization of your idea.
Like Issue #43 , this time is to build a Book library repository to detect more bugs.
Expected Behavior
Please specify the expected behavior of your requested enhancement. Some great
and helpful pointers are your expected interface (e.g. command patterns,
simple sketches of the user interface, etc).
A usable book library (privately or publicly) is made available.
Current Behavior
Please specify the current behavior (e.g. workaround, blockage, etc).
Book library is yet to be tested.
Please drag and drop the necessary data files (e.g. screenshot, logs, etc)
library category and book are now capable to self-rendering in data-driven way. ZORALab's Hestia is now proven and tested to be a file repository helper for organizing data files.
Like Issue #43 , this time is to build a Book library repository to detect more bugs.
Expected Behavior
A usable book library (privately or publicly) is made available.
Current Behavior
Book library is yet to be tested.