A field testing repository of ZORALab's Hestia serving a design agency focusing on modern, minimalistic design. Feel free to explore the results at its web page!
Please provide a short description of what feature you're looking forward to
add into the existing repository below. Please include the story behind your
idea as well to give a better visualization of your idea.
Right now, the landing page offline capability is neglected so we have to strengthen it once we completed the overall landing page design. For now, this ticket tracks the progress.
Requires Issue #24 and other similar items to be completed.
Expected Behavior
Please specify the expected behavior of your requested feature. Some great and
helpful pointers are your expected interface (e.g. command patterns, simple
sketches of the user interface, etc).
Offline capability is fully empowered.
Current Absent Behavior
Please specify the current behavior (e.g. workaround, blockage, etc).
Offline capability is partially empowered.
Please drag and drop the necessary data files (e.g. screenshot, logs, etc)
Right now, the landing page offline capability is neglected so we have to strengthen it once we completed the overall landing page design. For now, this ticket tracks the progress.
Requires Issue #24 and other similar items to be completed.
Expected Behavior
Offline capability is fully empowered.
Current Absent Behavior
Offline capability is partially empowered.