ZOSOpenTools / autoconfport

Delta files to build autoconf for z/OS
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Problems using auto(re)conf #37

Open mgrossmann opened 9 months ago

mgrossmann commented 9 months ago


today I tried to build a project that is using auto(re)conf. First problem is more a problem of the perlport. Because autoreconf is complaining about missing libperl.so. Adding the $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/lib/5.38.0/os390/CORE to the LIBPATH fixed this problem.

Then I stumbled over the next isse:

Can't locate Automake/Config.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Automake::Config module) (@INC entries checked: ZOPEN_INSTALL_ROOT/share/automake-1.16 $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/local/zopen/perl/perl/lib/5.38.0/os390 $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/local/zopen/perl/perl/lib/5.38.0 $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/local/zopen/perl/perl/lib/5.38.0/os390 ../lib/site_perl/5.38.0/os390 ../lib/site_perl/5.38.0 ../lib/5.38.0/os390 ../lib/5.38.0) at $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/bin/aclocal line 35.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/bin/aclocal line 35.
autoreconf: error: aclocal failed with exit status: 129

Regards Mike

IgorTodorovskiIBM commented 9 months ago

@HarithaIBM , are you able to take a look?

mgrossmann commented 9 months ago
> git clone https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags.git
> cd ctags/
> ./autogen.sh
CEE3501S The module libperl.so was not found.
         The traceback information could not be determined.
> export LIBPATH=$ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/lib/5.38.0/os390/CORE:$LIBPATH
> ./autogen.sh
aclocal is $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/bin/aclocal
Can't locate Automake/Config.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Automake::Config module) 
automake is $ZOPEN_ROOTFS/usr/bin/automake
Can't locate Automake/Config.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Automake::Config module) 
HarithaIBM commented 9 months ago

@mgrossmann Hi Mike, I would suggest you to clone using following command git clone git@github.com:ZOSOpenTools/ctagsport.git, cd ctagsport and run zopen build -vv to build the repo. This should work.

mgrossmann commented 9 months ago

Hello @HarithaIBM

Thanks for your suggestion. But this a complete other version of ctags. Universal Ctags is kind of successor of Exuberant Ctags.

But that's not the problem at all. Same problem occurred with other projects that are using autoconf as well. It looks like LIBPATH is not correct and the include path for perl modules as well.

So it's a more generic problem, not specific to the ctags stuff.

Thanks Mike