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vim doesn't respect _ENCODE_FILE_NEW #692

Closed jshimoda9323 closed 4 months ago

jshimoda9323 commented 4 months ago

It appears vim doesn't respect the envar _ENCODE_FILE_NEW It seems that bash respects it, so that would indicate there is something about vim that is going wrong.

My quick test for bash:

export _ENCODE_FILE_NEW=ISO8859-1
echo "hi" > newfile
chtag -p newfile # should be tagged as ISO8859-1
rm newfile
export _ENCODE_FILE_NEW=IBM-1047
echo "hi" > newfile
chtag -p newfile # should be tagged as IBM-1047

Here's my installed packages:

>zopen query --installed
Package                                Version                                File                                   Releaseline
bash                                   5.2.21                                 bash-        STABLE
curl                                   8.5.0                                  curl-         STABLE
git                                    2.43.0                                 git-         STABLE
groff                                  1.23.0                                 groff-       STABLE
jq                                     1.6                                    jq-1.6.20240104_213906.zos             STABLE
less                                   643                                    less-643.20240122_144109.zos           STABLE
libiconv                               1.17                                   libiconv-1.17.20240124_171511.zos      STABLE
make                                   4.4.1                                  make-         STABLE
man-db                                 2.12.0                                 man-db-      STABLE
meta                                   0.8.1                                  meta-main.20240119_133204.zos          STABLE
ncurses                                6.4                                    ncurses-6.4.20240124_160950.zos        STABLE
perl                                   5.39.7                                 perl5-heads.v5.39.7.20240122_185506.zos STABLE
vim                                    9.0.2100                               vim-heads.v9.0.2100.20240122_110205.zos STABLE
zoslib                                 4.0.0                                  zoslib-main.20240205_123952.zos        STABLE