ZQPei / deep_sort_pytorch

MOT using deepsort and yolov3 with pytorch
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reid模型从torch转为onnx,精度损失。 #255

Open shaqing opened 2 years ago

shaqing commented 2 years ago

你好,我把reid模型转成onnx模型后,用onnxruntime推理,处理同一张图片,前处理是一样的; torch的模型输出,前15位: [0.01681411 0.05290637 0.03931383 0.02069167 0.05464995 0.05208057 0.03364787 0.02164895 0.04400286 0.04631684 0.00424759 0.04806569 0.03491891 0.04207694 0.00969397] onnx的模型输出前15位: [1.3163207e-02 3.3286333e-02 3.0172531e-02 2.7824650e-05 5.4625902e-02 2.5197309e-02 4.4952868e-03 5.4582981e-03 2.5899781e-02 3.7061449e-02 1.8202272e-03 1.9214328e-02 3.2222427e-02 7.0376499e-03 2.4394415e-02] 这是为什么呢?