ZTL-UwU / shadcn-docs-nuxt

Effortless and beautiful docs template built with Nuxt Content & shadcn-vue.
MIT License
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bug: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: https://localhost:3000/_nuxt/node_modules/shadcn-docs-nuxt/pages/index.vue #10

Closed nikeshparajuli closed 5 months ago

nikeshparajuli commented 5 months ago

Hi, thank you for your project! I am not able to use it due to some errors. When I install your project using bun, it reports that it's not able to find the component/ui directory and gives me a 500 error when I start the development server. I have attached some screenshots for your reference. Would you mind taking a look?

Things I have tried:

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ZTL-UwU commented 5 months ago

@nikeshparajuli you can try reinstalling like mentioned in #9.

The components/ui not found warning is expected, and it should not be the cause of the 500 error. I think the not found warning is because the shacn-nuxt module scanning the directory in the base layer as well. But presently I don't know how it can be fixed so just ignore it for now 🙈

nikeshparajuli commented 5 months ago

Hi @ZTL-UwU, I tried that and still get the same error.

ZTL-UwU commented 5 months ago

@nikeshparajuli I can only reproduce this in cloud dev environments (github codespace & gitpod) but not locally. If you are running the project in a cloud dev environment, you can try setting all the forwarded ports to public. It fixes the problem for me in both gitpod & github codespace.

nikeshparajuli commented 5 months ago

Hi @ZTL-UwU, I'm running this locally (M1 Mac) not in cloud.

ZTL-UwU commented 5 months ago

image image Can you check your browser console to see if there are errors similar to these?

nikeshparajuli commented 5 months ago

I don't see those errors. The WS connection is successful on my side.

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ZTL-UwU commented 5 months ago

I have no idea why this is happening. Maybe disabling hmr is a temporary work around?

nikeshparajuli commented 5 months ago

Hi @ZTL-UwU, turns out my ad-blocker (ublock origin) is the culprit. After I disabled it, I can at least get past the 500 error and see the homepage. There are other console warnings and an error but apart from that, it's all good now.