ZTMIDGO / Android-Stable-diffusion-ONNX

使用Android手机的CPU推理stable diffusion
127 stars 26 forks source link

External model usage and up-to-date compiled apk #22

Open patientx opened 5 months ago

patientx commented 5 months ago

Hi there. I was successfully able to use fastsdcpu on termux to generate with android locally (https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu/discussions/123)

And just saw your app. First of all what is the most recent version of apk you have that is available ? The default apk you shared on the bottom just has one button on top and I presume that is move assets to memory and the other one is to generate.

And on one of the discussions you mention being able to load models externally , how would that be possible ? Where do we put them and how does the app see them ? How do we use other models ? (saw the other models on huggingface and was able to download a few of them)