ZTzTopia / GTProxy

⚖️ A proxy for growtopia. NO SHADOW BAN!
MIT License
54 stars 37 forks source link

Not working #80

Closed frostyv closed 3 months ago

frostyv commented 4 months ago

Nothing happens when built and launched successfully other than it printing the default log statements. Näyttökuva 2024-03-05 212122

ZTzTopia commented 4 months ago

Have you added an entry in hosts so that it doesn't connect to the growtopia domain but to localhost?

Anouskaaa commented 3 months ago

ya sir, add this to your hosts file www.growtopia1.com www.growtopia2.com

edited: thanks for correcting

ZTzTopia commented 3 months ago

@Anouskaaa you forgot www. at the beginning

RealYukiSan commented 1 month ago

Hi @ZTzTopia

I encounter the following error when the client tried connect to the proxy:

$  sudo ./Proxy 
[sudo] password for reyuki: 
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.109] [GTProxy] [info] Starting GTProxy (v2.0.0)
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.109] [GTProxy] [info] Loading config file "config.json"...
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.109] [GTProxy] [info] Config file "config.json" is all loaded up and ready to go!
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.109] [GTProxy] [info] The server is up and running with port 16999 and 1 peers can join!
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.109] [GTProxy] [info] The client is ready to connect to the server!
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.209] [GTProxy] [debug] Checking if extension with UID 0x153bd697 should be ignored
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.209] [GTProxy] [debug] Checking if extension with UID 0x4ea75473 should be ignored
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.209] [GTProxy] [debug] Checking if extension with UID 0xe9266491 should be ignored
[2024-05-28 08:19:29.209] [GTProxy] [info] HTTP(s) server listening on port 443.
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info] Headers:
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      Accept: */*
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      Content-Length: 36
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      Host: localhost
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      LOCAL_ADDR:
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      LOCAL_PORT: 443
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      REMOTE_ADDR:
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      REMOTE_PORT: 34886
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      User-Agent: UbiServices_SDK_2019.Release.27_PC64_unicode_static
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info] Params:
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      platform=1&protocol=190&version=4.42
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info] Body:
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.167] [GTProxy] [info]      version=4.42&protocol=190&platform=1
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.201] [GTProxy] [error] Response is null with error: httplib::Error::SSLServerVerification
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.201] [GTProxy] [error] Error occurred while resolving www.growtopia2.com ip address. DNS server returned ServerFail
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.202] [GTProxy] [error] Response is null with error: httplib::Error::Connection
[2024-05-28 08:20:29.202] [GTProxy] [info] POST /growtopia/server_data.php 200

Any clue how to resolve this or why this error happened?

RealYukiSan commented 1 month ago

@ZTzTopia replace the domain www.growtopia2.com with the actual IP inside the config.json solved the problem. I don't know the reason why it cant resolve the DNS and somehow throw SSLServerVerification error