ZUgferd validator using Verapdf
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Check why files does not validate #15

Closed jstaerk closed 5 years ago

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

The attached factur-x Facture_F20180027-LE_CLIENT_20181231.pdf file should work flawlessly, and be included in the automatic tests: How you can help:

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

only one error with 1.1 (<svrl:failed-assert test="/rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedTaxRegistration/ram:ID[@schemeID = ('VAT', 'FC')] or /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTaxRepresentativeTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedTaxRegistration/ram:ID[@schemeID = 'VAT']" </svrl:failed-assert>), development version of ZUV on http://mustangproject.org/files/ZUV-0.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar , contradicting spec available, will wait for ZF2 schematron before I try to fix the CEN schematron

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

And the following report when run against ZF2 schematron `

2urn:cen.eu:en16931:20175792 Das Element 'ram:TypeCode' muss genau 1 mal auftreten. Wert von '@schemeID' ist unzulässig. Wert von '@schemeID' ist unzulässig.


jstaerk commented 5 years ago

"Wert von '@schemeID' ist unzulässig" seems to refer to the Email schemeID="EM"

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

preview of ZUV available on http://mustangproject.org/files/ZUV-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, upstreamed request for missing values CL8 values 151, 198, 199, 200, 9901, AN, AQ, AS, AU and EM.

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

=Extended CL10 and BasicWL_Minimum CL 4? Updated preview on http://mustangproject.org/files/ZUV-0.7.0b-SNAPSHOT.jar

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

RE the Typecode error: TypeCode refers to a missing typecode for the Tender002 additional document

https://www.ferd-net.de/upload/Dokumente/FACTUR-X_ZUGFeRD_2p0_Teil1_Profil_EN16931_1p03.pdf pg 28 BT124 specified a 0..1 whilst ZUGFeRD-2.0-Spezifikation-TA.pdf pg 11 seems to indicate a 1..1 so I guess this has been changed between FX1 and ZF2?

jstaerk commented 5 years ago

it now works with the http://www.mustangproject.org/files/ZUV-0.7.0e-SNAPSHOT.jar snapshot and https://www.zugferd-community.net/en/open_community/validation but I still need to find out what change made that possible