ZUGFeRD / mustangproject

Open Source Java e-Invoicing library, validator and tool (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD, UNCEFACT/CII XRechnung)
Apache License 2.0
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Enabling Maven builds for push and pull requests in Github Cloud #298

Closed svanteschubert closed 1 year ago

svanteschubert commented 1 year ago

Hi Jochen,

as I have local test/build problems with Mustang on Linux and Windows with your recent commits, I thought it might make sense to pre-date your Xmas present and provide a black Friday pull request to you! :-)

This new Yaml file .github/workflows/maven.yml will trigger a build and tests using GitHub/Microsoft Cloud whenever a push is being made or a pull request is being offered to this project! \o/ I have chosen Ubuntu as the build platform and JDK 8 but you might add a matrix with multiple JDKs and platforms, see

Of course, it is a trojan horse as before you can accept/merge my pull request...

  1. You have to fix your build :-) - some months ago I struggled with ODF Toolkit as well a multi-pom project to get access to the test files of each sub-project independent from the starting directory you might have the same problem here. AFAIR different plugin versions and platforms provided different behaviour, my workaround was to provide a system variable for tunnelling the Maven build directory variable in the pom.xml for the surefire test plugin: https://github.com/tdf/odftoolkit/blob/odf-codegen/generator/schema2template/pom.xml#L102 to the Java test: https://github.com/tdf/odftoolkit/blob/odf-codegen/generator/schema2template/src/test/java/schema2template/grammar/ConstantsBuildEnv.java#L30 If you have a different problem, we might as well have a joint tea break. But running out of time to provide a further patch fixing build...

  2. Add to your ~/.m2/toolchains.xml with <version>8</version> and <vendor>adopt</vendor> , e.g. for Windows just copy your <version>1.8</version> and <vendor>openjdk</vendor> so it still runs with old versions! :-)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- JDK toolchains -->
      <jdkHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_341</jdkHome>
      <jdkHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_341</jdkHome>

    It took a while till I got the GitHub actions for JDK 8 with Maven Toolchain running! https://github.com/svanteschubert/mustangproject/actions I simply did not recognise that "JDK 1.8" and "openjdk" was defined in all pom.xml. Note: The JDK download in the cloud does not work with version "1.8" so I had to rename it to "8" (toolchains.xml example is wrong since JDK 5 a single digit is being used!"). I fixed it in all pom.xml

Now the build is 'only' failing with tests that do not run successfully:

Results :

Failed tests:   testXRImport(org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZF2ZInvoiceImporterTest)

Tests in error: 
  testZF1Import(org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZF2ZInvoiceImporterTest): java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ./target/testout-MustangGnuaccountingBeispielRE-20171118_506zf1.pdf
  testItemAllowancesChargesImport(org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZF2ZInvoiceImporterTest): java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ./target/testout-ZF2PushItemChargesAllowances.pdf
  testAllowancesChargesImport(org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZF2ZInvoiceImporterTest): java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ./target/testout-ZF2PushChargesAllowances.pdf
  testInvoiceImport(org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZF2ZInvoiceImporterTest): java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ./target/testout-ZF2new.pdf

Tests run: 55, Failures: 1, Errors: 4, Skipped: 0

see https://github.com/svanteschubert/mustangproject/actions/runs/3548389021/jobs/5959540915#step:4:1832