In order to be able to anonymize XML invoices (CII and UBL) I could provide xpaths.
I looked for software like " xml gdpr", " xml obfuscation" or " xml anonymization" or "xml redaction" and tried e.g. Arx (which seems to support only xls), anonimatron (only for DBs) or Amnesia (only CSV).
Can anonymize, e.g. shuffle (replace number by random number , lowercaps by random lowercaps and uppercase by random uppercase, the following xpaths with quba?
Any BTs no needed/addtionally required?
Payment terms
A textual description of the payment terms that apply to the amount due for payment (Including description of possible penalties).
The full formal name by which the Seller is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons.
The local identification (defined by the Seller’s address) of the Seller for tax purposes or a reference that enables the Seller to state his registered tax status.
In order to be able to anonymize XML invoices (CII and UBL) I could provide xpaths.
I looked for software like " xml gdpr", " xml obfuscation" or " xml anonymization" or "xml redaction" and tried e.g. Arx (which seems to support only xls), anonimatron (only for DBs) or Amnesia (only CSV).
There seem to be two open source anonymizer projects in the making which may somewhen release something noteworthy and may be fed with xpaths but seems to require Microsoft Visual Studio and is not
Can anonymize, e.g. shuffle (replace number by random number , lowercaps by random lowercaps and uppercase by random uppercase, the following xpaths with quba?
Any BTs no needed/addtionally required?