iZariam is a Devlopment Game based on Ikariam
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Open ttpro1995 opened 8 years ago

ttpro1995 commented 8 years ago

load->model('Player_Model'); if (!$this->session->userdata('login')) { $this->Player_Model->Error($this->lang->line('error_session')); } else { // Load the user $this->Player_Model->Load_Player($this->session->userdata('id')); if (isset($_POST['cityId']) and isset($this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$_POST['cityId']]) and $_POST['cityId'] > 0) { $this->Player_Model->town_id = ($_POST['cityId'] > 0) ? intval($_POST['cityId']) : $this->Player_Model->town_id; $this->Player_Model->now_town = $this->Player_Model->towns[$this->Player_Model->town_id]; $this->db->set('town', $this->Player_Model->town_id); $this->db->where(array('id' => $this->Player_Model->user->id)); $this->db->update($this->session->userdata('universe').'_users'); } $this->load->model('Update_Model'); // Note the building in line on the map $this->Player_Model->correct_buildings(); $this->Player_Model->Load_New_Town_Messages(); $this->Player_Model->Load_New_User_To_Messages(); $this->load->model('View_Model'); } } // Default Page function index() { $this->show('city'); } function abolishColony() { $this->show('abolishColony'); } /** * Academy * @param $position */ function academy() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(3, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_academy_null')); } else { $this->show('academy', $position); } } function admin() { $this->show('admin'); } function alchemist($position = 0) { $pos_type = 'pos'.$position.'_type'; if ($position == 0 or $this->Player_Model->now_town->$pos_type != 20) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('alchemist_not_built')); } else { $this->show('alchemist', $position); } } /** * The dissolution of the army */ function armyGarrisonEdit() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(5, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error','Казарма еще не построена!'); } else { $this->show('armyGarrisonEdit', $position); } } /** * Notes */ function avatarNotes() { $this->load->helper('cookie'); $this->load->view('avatarNotes'); } /** * Barracks * @param $position */ function barracks() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(5, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_barracks_null')); } else { $this->show('barracks', $position); } } function branchOffice($position = 0, $desc = 'ressDesc') { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(12, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_branch_office_null')); } else { $this->show('branchOffice', $position, $desc); } } /** * Information about the building * @param $id */ function buildingDetail($id = 1) { $this->show('buildingDetail', $id); } /** * Home buildings * @param $position */ function buildingGround($position = 0) { if ($position > 0) { $level = 'pos'.$position.'_level'; if ($this->Player_Model->now_town->$level == 0) { $this->show('buildingGround', $position); } else { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_buildingground_null')); } } else { $this->city(); } } function carpentering() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(21, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_carpentering_null')); } else { $this->show('carpentering', $position); } } function city($id = 0, $relocation = 'city', $reposition = 0) { if ($id > 0 and $id != $this->Player_Model->town_id and isset($this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]) and $this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]->user == $this->Player_Model->user->id) { // Change city $this->Player_Model->town_id = $id; $this->Player_Model->now_town = $this->Player_Model->towns[$id]; // Write to the database $this->db->set('town', $this->Player_Model->town_id); $this->db->where(array('id' => $this->Player_Model->user->id)); $this->db->update($this->session->userdata('universe').'_users'); } if ($relocation != 'city') { $this->$relocation($reposition); } else { $this->index(); } } function cityMilitary($type = 'army'){ $this->show('cityMilitary', $type); } function colonize($island = 0, $position = 0) { if ($island == 0) { $island = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($island); $city_text = 'city'.$position; if($this->Island_Model->island->$city_text > 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('build_site_occupied')); } else { $this->show('colonize', $island, $position); } } function credits() { $this->show('credits'); } /** * Confirmation of demolition * @param $position */ function demolition($position = 0) { $this->show('demolition', $position); } function diplomacyAdvisor() { $this->Player_Model->Load_User_Messages(); $this->show('diplomacyAdvisor'); } function diplomacyAdvisorOutBox() { $this->Player_Model->Load_User_Messages(); $this->show('diplomacyAdvisorOutBox'); } function error(){ $this->show('error'); } function finances() { $this->show('finances'); } function fleetGarrisonEdit() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(4, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error','Верфь еще не построена!'); } else { $this->show('fleetGarrisonEdit', $position); } } function forester($position = 0) { $pos_type = 'pos'.$position.'_type'; if ($position == 0 or $this->Player_Model->now_town->$pos_type != 16) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('forester_not_built')); } else { $this->show('forester', $position); } } function glassblowing($position = 0) { $pos_type = 'pos'.$position.'_type'; if ($position == 0 or $this->Player_Model->now_town->$pos_type != 18) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('glass_blowing_not_built')); } else { $this->show('glassblowing', $position); } } function highscore() { $options['offset'] = (isset($_POST['offset']) and $_POST['offset'] > 0) ? $_POST['offset'] : 0; $options['highscoreType'] = isset($_POST['highscoreType']) ? $_POST['highscoreType'] : 'score'; $users = $this->db->get($this->session->userdata('universe').'_users'); $this->db->order_by("points", "desc"); switch($options['highscoreType']) { case 'building_score_main': $this->db->order_by("points_buildings", "desc"); break; case 'building_score_secondary': $this->db->order_by("points_levels", "desc"); break; case 'research_score_main': $this->db->order_by("points_research", "desc"); break; case 'research_score_secondary': $this->db->order_by("points_complete", "desc"); break; case 'army_score_main': $this->db->order_by("points_army", "desc"); break; case 'trader_score_secondary': $this->db->order_by("points_gold", "desc"); break; default: $this->db->order_by("points", "desc"); break; } $users100 = $this->db->get($this->session->userdata('universe').'_users', 100, $options['offset']*100); $this->show('highscore', $users, $users100, $options); } /** * Help * @param $id */ function informations($id = 6) { $this->show('informations', $id); } /** * Islands page * @param $id */ function island($id = 0, $town = -1) { if ($id == 0) { $id = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($id); $this->show('island', $id, $town); } function logout() { $this->session->unset_userdata('login'); redirect('/', 'refresh'); } function merchantNavy() { $this->show('merchantNavy'); } function militaryAdvisorCombatReports() { $this->show('militaryAdvisorCombatReports'); } function militaryAdvisorCombatReportsArchive() { $this->show('militaryAdvisorCombatReportsArchive'); } function militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements() { $this->show('militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements'); } function options($option = 'account', $email = '') { $view = array('account', 'game', 'sso', 'openid'); $show = (in_array($option, $view)) ? $option : 'account'; $send = ($email == 'sended' or $email == 'nosended') ? $email : ''; $this->show('options', $show, $send); /*if($option == 'account' or $option == 'game' or $option == 'sso' or $option == 'openid') { $this->show('options', $option); } else { $this->show('options', 'account'); }*/ } function options_deletion_confirm() { $this->show('options_deletion_confirm'); } function palace() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(10, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_palace_null')); } else { $this->show('palace', $position); } } function palaceColony($action = '') { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(15, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_palace_colony_null')); } else { $this->show('palaceColony', $position, $action); } } /** * Pedia * @param $id */ function pedia($id = 10) { $this->show('pedia', $id); } function plunder($island = 0, $id = 0) { if($island > 0 and $id >= 0) { if(isset($this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]) and $this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]->user == $this->Player_Model->user->id) { $this->show('error', $this->lang->line('not_rob_your_city')); } else { if ($island == 0) { $island = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($island); $this->show('plunder', $id); } } else { $this->show('error', $this->lang->line('city_not_found')); } } function port() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(2, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_port_null')); } else { $this->show('port', $position); } } /** * Premium features */ function premium() { $this->show('premium'); } function premiumDetails() { $this->show('premiumDetails'); } /** * Preparation of Ambrosia */ function premiumPayment() { $this->show('premiumPayment'); } function premiumTradeAdvisor($page = 'resources') { if($this->Player_Model->user->premium_account > 0) { $this->show('premiumTradeAdvisor', $page); } else { $this->tradeAdvisor(); } } function renameCity() { $this->show('renameCity'); } /** * Advisor for Research */ function researchAdvisor() { $this->show('researchAdvisor'); } function researchOverview() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(3, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('academy_not_built')); } else { $this->show('researchOverview'); } } /** * Information for Research * @param $way * @param $id */ function researchDetail($way = 1, $id = 1) { if ($way == 2){$id = $id + 14;} if ($way == 3){$id = $id + 14+15;} if ($way == 4){$id = $id + 14+15+16;} $this->show('researchDetail', $id); } /** * Forest * @param $id */ function resource($id = 0) { $town_id = 0; if ($id > 0 and $id != $this->Player_Model->island_id and isset($this->Data_Model->temp_islands_db[$id])) { foreach ($this->Player_Model->towns as $town) if ($town->island == $id) $town_id = $town->id; if ($town_id > 0 and isset($this->Player_Model->towns[$town_id])) { // Chance city $this->Player_Model->town_id = $town_id; $this->Player_Model->now_town = $this->Player_Model->towns[$town_id]; // Write to the database $this->db->set('town', $town_id); $this->db->where(array('id' => $this->Player_Model->user->id)); $this->db->update($this->session->userdata('universe').'_users'); } } if ($id == 0) { $id = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($id); $this->show('resource', $id); } function safehouse($page = 'safehouse') { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(14, $this->Player_Model->now_town); foreach($this->Player_Model->spyes[$this->Player_Model->town_id] as $spy) { $this->Data_Model->Load_Town($spy->to); $this->Data_Model->Load_Island($this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$spy->to]->island); } if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_safehouse_null')); } else { if ($page == 'reports') { $this->Player_Model->Load_Spyes_Messages(); } $this->show('safehouse', $position, $page); } } function safehouseMissions($spy = 0) { if ($spy > 0 and isset($this->Player_Model->spyes[$this->Player_Model->town_id][$spy])) { $this->Data_Model->Load_Town($this->Player_Model->spyes[$this->Player_Model->town_id][$spy]->to); $this->show('safehouseMissions', $spy); } else { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('spy_not_found')); } } function safehouseReports($id = 0) { $message_query = $this->db->get_where($this->session->userdata('universe').'_spy_messages', array('id' => $id), 1, ''); $message = $message_query->row(); if ($id > 0 and $message_query->num_rows == 1 and $message->user == $this->Player_Model->user->id) { $this->Data_Model->Load_Town($message->to); $this->show('safehouseReports', $message); } else { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('report_not_found')); } } function sendIKMessage($id = 0, $island = 0) { if ($id > 0 and $id != $this->Player_Model->user->id) { $this->Data_Model->Load_User($id); if (isset($this->Data_Model->temp_users_db[$id])) { $this->show('sendIKMessage', $id, $island); } else { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('player_not_found')); } } else { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('not_message_yourself')); } } function sendSpy($island = 0, $id = 0) { if ($island == 0) { $island = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($island); $this->Data_Model->Load_Town($id); if(!isset($this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]) or $this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]->island != $this->Island_Model->island->id) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('city_not_found')); } else { $this->show('sendSpy', $id); } } function shipyard() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(4, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_shipyard_null')); } else { $this->show('shipyard', $position); } } function show($location, $param1 = 0, $param2 = 0, $param3 = 0) { $this->load->view('game_index',array('page' => $location, 'param1' => $param1, 'param2' => $param2, 'param3' => $param3)); } function stonemason($position = 0) { $pos_type = 'pos'.$position.'_type'; if ($position == 0 or $this->Player_Model->now_town->$pos_type != 17) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('stonemason_not_built')); } else { $this->show('stonemason', $position); } } function takeOffer($town = 0, $type = 0, $resource = 0) { $this->show('takeOffer', $town, $type, $resource); } function tavern() { $position = $this->Data_Model->get_position(8, $this->Player_Model->now_town); if ($position == 0) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('error_tavern_null')); } else { $this->show('tavern', $position); } } /** * Town hall * @param $position */ function townHall() { $this->show('townHall', 0); } function tradeAdvisor($message_id = 0) { // Load the message $this->Player_Model->Load_Town_Messages(); $this->load->library('pagination'); $this->show('tradeAdvisor', $message_id); } function tradeAdvisorTradeRoute($action = '') { $this->show('tradeAdvisorTradeRoute', $action); } function tradegood($id = 0) { if ($id == 0) { $id = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($id); $this->show('tradegood', $id); } function transport($island = 0, $id = 0) { if ($island == 0) { $island = $this->Player_Model->island_id; } $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($island); $this->Data_Model->Load_Town($id); if(!isset($this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]) or $this->Data_Model->temp_towns_db[$id]->island != $this->Island_Model->island->id) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('city_not_found')); } else { $this->show('transport', $id); } } function version() { $this->show('version'); } function wall() { if ($this->Player_Model->now_town->pos14_type != 7) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('wall_not_built')); } else { $this->show('wall', 14); } } function warehouse($position = 0){ $pos_type = 'pos'.$position.'_type'; if ($position == 0 or $this->Player_Model->now_town->$pos_type != 6){ $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('warehouse_not_built')); } else { $this->show('warehouse', $position); } } function winegrower($position = 0) { $pos_type = 'pos'.$position.'_type'; if ($position == 0 or $this->Player_Model->now_town->$pos_type != 19) { $this->show('error',$this->lang->line('winery_not_built')); } else { $this->show('winegrower', $position); } } /** * Information about Wonders * @param $id */ function wonderDetail($id = 1) { $this->show('wonderDetail', $id); } /** * World map * @param $x * @param $y */ function worldmap_iso($x = 0, $y = 0) { $id = $this->Player_Model->island_id; $this->load->model('Island_Model'); $this->Island_Model->Load_Island($id); $x = ($x == 0) ? $this->Island_Model->island->x : $x ; $y = ($y == 0) ? $this->Island_Model->island->y : $y ; $this->show('worldmap_iso', $x, $y); } }

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\izariam\controllers\game.php:651)

Filename: codeigniter/Common.php

Line Number: 360

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