ZZJHONS / ZravianX

ZravianX - Clone Travian browser game step a step (Isn't finished)
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Page shifted when the buildings reach the maximum level. #2

Open etms51 opened 12 years ago

etms51 commented 12 years ago

Description: i found an another issue, about at your game. When i build any building from level 1-19, the page is normal. (Screenshot 1) to capital town But if I finish any building to build a level 20, the game I shifted whole page on the left, (so the counter of resources, the image of the hero who does not appear, the gold and silver in this case shifted to the right more in the box where there is the image of the hero (Screenshot 2). In this case i'm building a small Cranny Buildings, where the max level is 10. (Screenshot 1) from level 1-9 the page of Cranny Buildings is normale (Screenshot 1) If i reach the max level of building i see which the page was shifted on the left. (screenshot 2)

Step by Step:

1) login to your account 2) Click on the "Buildings" 3) Click on any empty space to build any building. 4) Click on the building just built. 5) From level 1 to level 19, the page is centered, the resources are normal (centered), and it shows everything correctly. (Screenshot 1). In this case if i build a Cranny Building,, if the level of this building is normal when i upgrade the level 1-9. 6) If any building Upgrade at level 20, the game will shift left of the page construction, in fact see the counters of the various resources to go left, the road sign to the left, the gold and silver instead go to the box which contains the image of the hero, the hero and the image is not present. (screenshot 2). In this case you can see the Cranny Level reach to the max level (max 10).

Browser: Firefox and Google Chrome v. 9 16.0.912.63 and this happens with everyone. Other information: I also clean cookies and cache, but it isn't not resolved.

Screenshot: image 1 => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34043118/Travian_4/Cranny_Building_Level2_Normal_page.jpg image 2 => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34043118/Travian_4/Cranny_Building_Levelmax_reach_Shifted_page.jpg

PS: The problem is the same for all types of buildings, clay pits, farmland, forests and When You Upgrade to the max level. To the maximum level, the page is shifted to the left.

ZZJHONS commented 12 years ago

It happens because the builds T4 templates aren't created, are from T3.6