You, again are using the inverse cosine to calculate the angle between vectors:
dogleg = np.arccos(cos_inc - (sin_inc * cos_azi))
Use the angle code in the last issue to calculate.
A numerically stable way to calculate minimum curvature is this:
def arc2chord(t1, t2, arclen):
Calculates the relative vector between two survey stations,
given tangents at the ends of the arc and the arc length between
the tangents.
Assumes survey values are correct
and if arrays of values, the arrays must all be the same length.
is_scalar = np.ndim(arclen) == 0
arclen = np.atleast_1d(arclen)
cnt = len(arclen)
t1 = np.atleast_2d(t1)
t2 = np.atleast_2d(t2)
t_add = t1 + t2 # add the tangent vectors; a vector that points to the end of the arc from the start
lsqrd_t_add = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', t_add, t_add) # the length squared of the vector sum... same as: np.sum(t12*t12, axis=1)
anti_parallel = lsqrd_t_add == 0 # test for anti-parallel tangent vectors, the singuar case
lsqrd_t_add[anti_parallel] = 1.0 # set so we prevents div-by-zero when unitizing the direction vector
len_t_add = np.sqrt(lsqrd_t_add) # the length of the addition vector
norm_t_add = np.divide(t_add, len_t_add[:,None]) # normalize the addition vector to unit vector pointing to the end of the arc
t_sub = t2 - t1 # subtract the tangent vectors; the chord on a unit circle
lsqrd_t_sub = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', t_sub, t_sub) # the length squared of the vector subtraction
len_t_sub = np.sqrt(lsqrd_t_sub) # the length of the subtraction vector
alpha = 2.0 * np.arctan(np.divide(len_t_sub, len_t_add)) # the unoriented angle between the tangent vectors; the arc length on a unit circle
geom_test = len_t_sub < alpha # do the degenerate circle geometry test, the straight hole test
arc_2_chord = np.ones(cnt) # if degenerte, we are at unity
arc_2_chord[geom_test] = np.divide(len_t_sub[geom_test], alpha[geom_test]) # where not unity, calc ratio
relative_pos = (arclen * arc_2_chord)[:,None] * norm_t_add # arc-2-chord. For robust numeric evaluation the order of operations here are important
relative_pos[anti_parallel] = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) # set any singuar cases to nan because they have vanished
return (relative_pos[0], alpha[0]) if is_scalar else (relative_pos, alpha)
You, again are using the inverse cosine to calculate the angle between vectors:
dogleg = np.arccos(cos_inc - (sin_inc * cos_azi))
Use the angle code in the last issue to calculate.
A numerically stable way to calculate minimum curvature is this: