Zabari / STEPS

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Antenna Range Low #14

Open afischer opened 9 years ago

afischer commented 9 years ago

The RF24 modules are pumping out pretty low range. Possibly turning down the bitrate and adding an antenna could fix this, but I'm not totally sure. Maybe before full deployment we could either swap radios or use wifi/some other mode of communication.

I'll look into this.

leee commented 9 years ago

Are these the nRF24L01 modules? Yeah ISM is depressing power wise.

Depending on how much bandwidth you need, perhaps Baofengs modded for this purpose are in order? This of course means you'll have to start looking into soundcards and the whole works.

I feel like Occam's Razor suggests using existing networking, or seeing if you can drop new cabling which is more work.

If you don't need synchronous connectivity then just drop the arduinos onto DOETWAC and have them remctl or ssh into whatever remote server you're using?

leee commented 9 years ago

(ping @afischer )

afischer commented 9 years ago

Yep - nRF24L01s are in there.

I was thinking of switching to the cheap ESP8266 wifi modules.

leee commented 9 years ago

Yeup those modules are very reasonable.

So you plan on going the DOETWAC route?

afischer commented 9 years ago

I guess so. I would need to do some testing first.