Finding a job in tech is your goal. And to achieve that, you must have many tools and skills. One of the most important tools is your CV (Curriculum Vitae).
A strong CV effectively communicates your qualifications, skills, and experiences leaving a positive impression on potential employers.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Ensure your CV is up-to-date with the best practices
Use your transferable skills and past experiences to describe skills that a developer needs and you already have
When writing, think about a friend. How would you describe them? We tend to be more positive about others than ourselves.
Use an Applicant Management/Tracking system. See some examples in this guide.
How to submit
Share the Google Doc of your CV as a comment on this issue AND the Slack channel cyf-profile-review. Make sure the file is open to be commented on by anyone.
Share a screenshot of your post on the Slack channel cyf-profile-review as a comment on this issue
Coursework content
Finding a job in tech is your goal. And to achieve that, you must have many tools and skills. One of the most important tools is your CV (Curriculum Vitae).
A strong CV effectively communicates your qualifications, skills, and experiences leaving a positive impression on potential employers.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
How to submit
Anything else
Check out the CYF CV Guide