Zabooby / mpv-config

Personal mpv config files aiming to get the best quality and viewing experience
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OSC issue not going away #18

Closed rarewaifu closed 9 months ago

rarewaifu commented 9 months ago

Hello i just wanted to say that ive followed your config all the way through, from my end everything seems to be working perfectly except for one thing and thats the OSC (the black bar at the very bottom), basically when i pause the video the OSC appears and doesnt go away ever its just there no matter what i do

However when i click play on the video it goes away and if i move the mouse downwards it does that thing where it slowly appears the closer you get which is dope everything is working fine but ONLY when the video is playing

Its just very odd because even when i pause the video and i move my mouse cursor downwards, the other UI above the black bar (menu, subs, audio etc..) starts slowly appearing as intended and if i move further upwards it goes away besides the OSC

Unless im just wrong and you purposely made it this way to begin with (im not really good with this sorta stuff i saw u had JJK as an example so i had to try yours out) ty!

rarewaifu commented 9 months ago

here is an ex of what i mean the stuff on top slowly fading out because my cursor is moving away but the black bar doesnt change

Zabooby commented 9 months ago

Props for noticing JJK from the screenshot I didn't think people would recognise it.

The timeline behaviour you're seeing is the default settings for uosc, if you do not want it to be visible when the video is paused change the following value to idle.

rarewaifu commented 9 months ago

thank you sooo much! cant believe it was something as simple as that i didnt want to go around testing everything in case i broke something, its just so much text
