Zabooby / mpv-config

Personal mpv config files aiming to get the best quality and viewing experience
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running without an administrator name #30

Closed AdventurerRussia closed 5 months ago

AdventurerRussia commented 5 months ago

you need to add forward code mpv-install.bat image

:: Run As Administrator

nul reg add hkcu\software\classes.Admin\shell\runas\command /f /ve /d "cmd /x /d /r set \"f0=%%2\" &call \"%%2\" %%3" &set = %* nul fltmc || if "%f0%" neq "%~f0" ( cd.>"%tmp%\runas.Admin" &start "%~n0" /high "%tmp%\runas.Admin" "%~f0" "%:"=""%" &exit /b )

Zabooby commented 5 months ago

Not sure what the issue is, could you explain further?

AdventurerRussia commented 5 months ago

this is not a problem, I decided to inform you that there is such a function that you can install without an administrator maybe it will be useful for you

Zabooby commented 5 months ago

Oh I see, I don't think I'll add this as I'd have to edit the .bat file everytime I made an update to the repo for new mpv versions.