Zabuzard / Discord-Plays

Discord bot to play games together - cause the crowd is just better at it! šŸŸšŸŽ®
MIT License
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Discord commands do not work #15

Open TheRageAcademy opened 3 weeks ago

TheRageAcademy commented 3 weeks ago

I've tried solving this but It's over my head.

I'm trying to host locally on my PC. I can invite the bot and the bot's online status directly correlates to if the script is running but the discord commands are not working.

I've tried kicking the bot and reinviting & redoing server permissions. The bot shows up and appears in the discord when I launch the commands in PowerShell.

this is my JSON config -

{ "romPath": "", "gameTitle": "Pokemon", "owners": [ 217126042752516098 ], "bannedUsers": [ ], "hosts": [ ], "autoSaveRemindAt": "13:00", "userToInputCount": [ ], "playtimeMs": 0, "recordingPath": "recording", "font": "Sans Serif" }

Previously, I had the romPath set as a folder path where the rom was stored but that was giving be a JSON issue. Setting it straight the .gb files doesn't spit out any issues.

This is what Powershell shoots back to me,

WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance. 20:41:43.920 [main] INFO net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA - Login Successful! 20:41:44.142 [JDA MainWS-WriteThread] INFO net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.WebSocketClient - Connected to WebSocket 20:41:44.317 [JDA MainWS-ReadThread] INFO net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA - Finished Loading! 20:41:44.419 [main] INFO io.github.zabuzard.discordplays.Main - Bot started, ready

Am I missing something? This seems like a great bot. I just can't get the discord commands to work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

TheRageAcademy commented 2 weeks ago


I've got it working. I followed the same steps but with the V1.0 build and it's currently running in my discord. It won't run in the Threads but that may be a "me" problem.

TheRageAcademy commented 2 weeks ago

Last update for today:

I played around with 1.0 for a bit. The recorder and saves are functioning. However, after about 30ish minutes or so, it tanks the performance of my PC, bringing CPU utilization to 99%. Powershell has a leak, I assume, somewhere.

My PC specs are:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X RAM: 64gb 3400 mhz GPU: RTX 4080 Running off a 1tb NVME - Windows installed on this same NVME

TheRageAcademy commented 2 weeks ago

Update - 08.24.24

I have the Jar running on a Raspberry Pi 5. This now hosts the Discord-Plays-Pokemon Bot. I also managed to run v3.0 on this. V3.2 will not runn. The emulator will not start. Discord commands will state "bot is thinking" or something along those lines and get stuck. Using the Host display command, you will be able to see the emulator with no game playing. This is an issue in v3.2 but not 3.0.

v3.0 works great on a Raspberry pi 5 and I am even streaming it directly to Twitch via OBS on the Pi