ZacCrumpton / front-end-capstone

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NavBar #1

Open ZacCrumpton opened 4 years ago

ZacCrumpton commented 4 years ago


as a user, no matter what page i'm on i should see a navbar


WHEN on page load THEN I should be able to click the links AND navigate between pages


  1. create a new component in shared folder.
    • this new folder should be named NavBar
    • will need js and scss file of the same name
  2. use react routing for navigation
    • will need react-router-dom install
    • import { NavLink as RRNavLink } from 'react-router-dom
    • import { Collapse, Navbar, NavbarToggler, NavbarBrand, Nav, NavItem, NavLink, }
  3. additional imports:
    • import firebase, will need app and auth
    • import PropTypes
  4. create a var called buildNavbar
    • needs a const for { authed } thats set to this.props;
    • needs an if statement that returns NavItem's and NavLink's
      • these will be Home, My Lists and New List
      • one of the links needs to be a logout "button" that calls the logMeOut function (see ticket #9 for more info on this function)
    • there will not be a selection for single view on lists or anime, or New Anime. these will be "hidden" pages that prompt on a button click
  5. use reactstrap/boostrap to find a basic navbar structure
ZacCrumpton commented 4 years ago

Nav, NavItem and NavLink example for buildNavbar function

    const buildNavbar = () => {
      const { authed } = this.props;
      if (authed) {
        return (
          <Nav className="ml-auto" navbar>
            <NavLink tag={RRNavLink} to='/home'>Home</NavLink>
            <NavLink tag={RRNavLink} to='/stuff'>My Stuff</NavLink>
            <NavLink tag={RRNavLink} to='/new'>New Item</NavLink>
            <NavLink onClick={this.logMeOut}>Logout</NavLink>
ZacCrumpton commented 4 years ago

Navbar and NavbarToggler example:

       <Navbar color="light" light expand="md">
          <NavbarBrand href="/">React Hoarder</NavbarBrand>
          <NavbarToggler onClick={this.toggle} />
          <Collapse isOpen={isOpen} navbar>