ZacCrumpton / front-end-capstone

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Edit Anime #20

Open ZacCrumpton opened 4 years ago

ZacCrumpton commented 4 years ago


as a user, when i click the edit button on an anime i should see an edit form appear


WHEN the edit button is clicked THEN a form should appear AND it should display the current information in the input fields AND i should be able to change the information AND save the new information AND it should then display on the list card and anime card


  1. you will need to make a new component called EditAnime
    • this will need a js and scss file
  2. on the Anime Card we will need to make an edit button
    • this button will need an event listener
    • this event listener will load the edit form
    • the edit form will grab all the information from the current anime and display them in the input field
  3. there will also need to be a save button
    • this save button will change the old information with the new information coming in.
    • on click the information will be sent to firebase via axios call put.
  4. after saving the user should be redirected to the SingleAnimeView or My List page depending on which edit button they have clicked