Some hosting cases (Shared environment), the installer fails to open the config file.
Original issue from old repository:
I've gotten the error [below], so I went into install.php and changed $mode, to c, c+, r, and w, all of which never ended up working, and ruined the config.php by emptying it.
Warning: fopen(../../config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Inappropriate ioctl for device in /home/a9517619/public_html/stats/pages/install/install.php on line 86
As stated, I changed the $mode, and the error did go away, but I still get "The configurations file is missing! Please reinstall or find the issue!", and I have everything there, I've even chmodded the files to 775/777. Neither of which worked.
Some hosting cases (Shared environment), the installer fails to open the config file.
Original issue from old repository: