ZacharyL2 / KeyEcho

Listen to Mechanical Keyboard Sounds with Every Keystroke - It's Fast
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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ALT+Tab does not creat sounds #15

Open switchblade34 opened 1 week ago

switchblade34 commented 1 week ago



OS Version


Describe the bug

Pressing alt and then tab to switch windows does not create kb sounds. I have tried other multi-key combinations like shift and arrows and they make sounds. Alt and tab make sounds when pressed individually.


Press alt and tab at the same time

Expected behavior

A sound should play as I hold down alt and hit tab to switch windows.

Additional context

kb - logtech g915 tkl os - win11 version - 0.0.3 sound - cherrymx-brown-abs

ZacharyL2 commented 1 week ago

I tested it on Windows 11 and didn't encounter the issue you mentioned. Pressing Alt and then repeatedly pressing Shift produces sound, and pressing both keys simultaneously also produces sound. Please check if any other software is affecting it.

Additionally, if you hold down both keys without releasing, it will only play the sound once.

switchblade34 commented 5 days ago

Pressing alt (makes a sound), and then pressing shift while holding down alt does make a sound on each tap. But when I try the same thing with the alt + tab. The initial alt press makes a sound but the following tab clicks don't make a sound on each click, only the first tab I hit.

This is tested on v0.0.4

ZacharyL2 commented 5 days ago

I tried the alt + tab combination on a Windows platform and found it to be working fine, without the issue you described. If you're interested, you can debug the source code to find the cause.

Install Node.js and Rust on your computer, then use pnpm install to install dependencies and run pnpm dev to start debugging. You can print the key events here:

println!("【 evt 】==> {:?}", evt);

Then, you can add the sample length of the corresponding key sound here:

println!("【 source 】==> {:?}", source.samples.len());