ZackeryRSmith / bongocat-osu

An extensable and highly configurable Bongo Cat overlay
MIT License
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xdo_get_focused_window_sane failed (code=1) #18

Closed ZackeryRSmith closed 1 year ago

ZackeryRSmith commented 1 year ago

This is an issue one of my friends had when testing this on their Ubuntu machine. I'm unable to reproduce this issue, but my friend has a dual monitor and I do not.

Even when the second monitor isn't active the issue still occurs. The result of this issue is that the mouse stops tracking until the application is rehovered. Along with that hovering anywhere on his desktop also caused the same issue to occur.

This issue is most likely because of the desktop environment he is using, as xdotool only works for the Xorg display manager. I don't think I'll fix this bug as it's probably an issue that would require me to find an alternative to xdotool. The application did still work fine with osu opened in full screen, so I'll keep this issue in mind but don't expect it to be fixed.

ZackeryRSmith commented 1 year ago

Especially in newer versions of Ubuntu, Wayland is now the default display server for most systems. Whilst X11 remains the default for those with NVIDIA GPUs, this is just an issue that I may not be able to fix. That is without using some X11 alternative for Wayland