Probably that should be, for example:
string query = $"SELECT ChestID FROM ChestItems WHERE WorldID = {Main.worldID} GROUP BY ChestID HAVING MIN(Type) = 0 AND MAX(Type) = 0";
That means "show its id if all slot is empty for each chest".
And also, at line 403 is like this:
query = $"DELETE FROM ChestItems WHERE WorldID = {Main.worldID} AND ChestID IN ({string.Join(",", chestIDs)})";
(Sorry I didn't confirm them actually)
As I stated on that post, it will always crash in my case, but I did see all (non-empty) chest in my screen being uprooted before getting the crash notification.
It will be caused due to this query: That reads "enumerate if one of its slots is empty".
Probably that should be, for example:
string query = $"SELECT ChestID FROM ChestItems WHERE WorldID = {Main.worldID} GROUP BY ChestID HAVING MIN(Type) = 0 AND MAX(Type) = 0";
That means "show its id if all slot is empty for each chest".And also, at line 403 is like this:
query = $"DELETE FROM ChestItems WHERE WorldID = {Main.worldID} AND ChestID IN ({string.Join(",", chestIDs)})";
(Sorry I didn't confirm them actually)I'm not sure whether this issue is related to that post though.