Zaid-Ajaj / Fable.Remoting

Type-safe communication layer (RPC-style) for F# featuring Fable and .NET Apps
MIT License
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Fix MsgPack on .NET 8 #345

Closed kerams closed 10 months ago

kerams commented 1 year ago

Opening System.Collections.Generic on .NET 8, causes AddRange calls on a ResizeArray to be resolved to an extension method taking a span, instead of an instance method on the list. Fable then complains that the implicit cast to ReadOnlySpan is not supported.

fable_modules\Fable.Remoting.MsgPack.1.18.0\Write.fs(575,25): (575,30) error FABLE: System.ReadOnlySpan`1.op_Implicit (static) is not supported by Fable
jwosty commented 10 months ago

Just ran into this exact issue trying to upgrade my app to .NET 8. Would be awesome to have this merged!

Zaid-Ajaj commented 10 months ago

Hi @kerams @jwosty this went a bit under my radar, apologies for that 🙏 I will try to merge and publish this upcoming weekend

jwosty commented 10 months ago

No problem.

I also see that a lot of the CI tooling is out of date (it seems to build with .NET 3). Any way I can help upgrade some stuff?

Maybe I could start a .NET 8 branch, and have that use Fable 4 as the default (doing the same thing as #314, just with Fable 3 being the secondary build)? Then we can merge when .NET 8 comes out in October?

Zaid-Ajaj commented 10 months ago

Merged and published as of Fable.Remoting.MsgPack v1.19 🚀 apologies again for the delay

Maybe I could start a .NET 8 branch, and have that use Fable 4 as the default (doing the same thing as, just with Fable 3 being the secondary build)? Then we can merge when .NET 8 comes out in October?

I feel like remoting doesn't have to be running on the bleeding edge of dotnet 8, though CI setup could use an upgrade