Zaid-Ajaj / Feliz

A fresh retake of the React API in Fable and a collection of high-quality components to build React applications in F#, optimized for happiness
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Feliz.Markdown needs updating #451

Closed halcwb closed 1 year ago

halcwb commented 2 years ago

I think that the Feliz.Markdown binding needs an update as the version used, 4.2.2, is no longer compatible with the latest react. The latest react-markdown had some breaking changes:

halcwb commented 2 years ago

P.S. The biggest breaking change is that source is not children. Also, for renderers the term is know components

P.S. These are some of the changes I manually added to my project in order to get markdown running again:

namespace Feliz.Markdown

open Feliz
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop

type ITextProperties =
    abstract children: string

type IParagraphProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type ILinkProperties =
    abstract href: string
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type IHeadingProperties =
    abstract level: int
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type ITableProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type ITableHeadProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type ITableBodyProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type ITableRowProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type ITableCellProperties =
    abstract isHeader: bool
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type IListProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type IListItemProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type IPluginsProperties =
    abstract children: ReactElement []

type IComponent =

module markdown =

    type components =

        static member inline p
            (component': IParagraphProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "p" component')

        static member inline linkReference
            (component': ILinkProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "linkReference" component')

        static member inline h1
            (component': IHeadingProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "h1" component')

        static member inline h2
            (component': IHeadingProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "h2" component')

        static member inline h3
            (component': IHeadingProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "h3" component')

        static member inline h4
            (component': IHeadingProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "h4" component')

        static member inline h5
            (component': IHeadingProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "h5" component')

        static member inline h6
            (component': IHeadingProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "h6" component')

        static member inline table
            (component': ITableProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "table" component')

        static member inline thead
            (component': ITableHeadProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "thead" component')

        static member inline tbody
            (component': ITableBodyProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "tbody" component')

        static member inline trow
            (component': ITableRowProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "trow" component')

        static member inline tcell
            (component': ITableCellProperties -> ReactElement)
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "tcell" component')

        static member inline ol(component': IListProperties -> ReactElement) =
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "ol" component')

        static member inline ul(component': IListProperties -> ReactElement) =
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "ul" component')

        static member inline li(component': IListProperties -> ReactElement) =
            unbox<IComponent> (Interop.mkAttr "li" component')

type markdown =

    /// The Markdown source to parse (**REQUIRED**).
    static member inline children(value: string) =
        Interop.mkAttr "children" value

    static member inline components(components: IComponent list) =
        Interop.mkAttr "components" (createObj !!components)

And this is how it can be used:

Markdown.markdown [
    markdown.children props.text
    markdown.escapeHtml true
    markdown.components [
        markdown.components.h1 (fun props ->
            Mui.typography [
                match props.level with
                | 1 -> typography.variant.h3
                | 2 -> typography.variant.h4
                | 3 -> typography.variant.h5
                | 4 -> typography.variant.h6
                | 5 -> typography.variant.body1
                | 6 -> typography.variant.body2
                | _ -> ()

                if props.level = 2 then
                    prop.className classes.section
       [ style.marginTop 20 ]
                typography.children props.children

        markdown.components.table (fun props ->
            Mui.tableContainer [
                Mui.table props.children

        markdown.components.thead (fun props ->
            Mui.tableHead props.children

        markdown.components.tbody (fun props ->
            Mui.tableBody props.children

        markdown.components.trow (fun props ->
            Mui.tableRow [
                tableRow.hover true
                tableRow.children props.children

        markdown.components.tcell (fun props ->
            Mui.tableCell [
                if props.isHeader then
                    prop.className classes.section
                tableCell.children props.children

        markdown.components.ul (fun props ->
            Mui.list [
                list.children props.children
        ) (fun props ->
            Mui.listItem [
                listItem.divider true
                listItem.button true
                let children =
                    Mui.typography [
               [ style.fontWeight.bold ]
                        typography.children props.children

                listItem.children children

        markdown.components.p (fun props ->
            Mui.container [
                    style.marginTop 10
                    style.paddingLeft 0
                let children =
                    Mui.typography [
                        typography.children props.children

                container.children children
Zaid-Ajaj commented 1 year ago

Fixed as of