Zaid-Ajaj / Feliz

A fresh retake of the React API in Fable and a collection of high-quality components to build React applications in F#, optimized for happiness
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Issue version 3.10.0 when using another Router component in the inner component #573

Closed sayyaari closed 1 year ago

sayyaari commented 1 year ago

We have an elmish app uses Fable 3.1.9 and following packages:

    <PackageReference Include="Fable.Elmish.React" Version="3.0.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="Fable.React" Version="7.2.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Feliz.Router" Version="3.7.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Feliz.UseDeferred" Version="1.4.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="Thoth.Json" Version="7.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="5.0.1" />

This app uses a web component which was written in a separate project and will be injected as web component though the following api: domEl "Component-X" ...

That component references the following packages:

    <PackageReference Include="Fable.Elmish.React" Version="3.0.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="Fable.React" Version="7.4.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Fable.SimpleHttp" Version="3.5.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Feliz.Router" Version="3.10.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Feliz.UseDeferred" Version="1.5.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Feliz.UseElmish" Version="1.5.1" />
    <PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="7.0.200" />

Component-X uses its own routing and recently we upgraded the its packages to upgraded the Feliz.Router to 3.10.0 of Feliz.Router.

After upgrading we found out that the routing at the application level doesn't work as before. Once the app navigated to Component-X and , from that time onward any url changes at the application level will raise two Router Url Changed events. One at the application level 's Router and the other at the Component-X 's Router level which interestingly the Url that is passed to the latter one is different from the one that is captured at application level. The url captured at Component-X level is base route of the component. Let say we have the following routes at the application level /path1 /path2 /Component-X

and the followings routes at the Component-X /Component-X /Component-X/Path3 /Component-X/Path4

When the app is loaded the routing to /path1 and /path3 (assume that the navigations are done through some hyperlinks) work correctly as long as we haven't touched any navigationto Component-X. If we navigate to Component-X (Component-X is rendered ) then those hyperlinks which previously navigated us to /path1 and /path2 now navigate to Component-X. If for example, you click the hyperlink that navigates you to /path1 then UrlChanged event occurs at App Router level and has the value /path1 and surprisingly the UrlChanged event happens at Component-X router level but with value /Component-X. In other versions before 3.10 the second UrlChanged event doesn't happen.

Per my investigation this error happens when the Component-X references just Feliz.Router 3.10.0 and all the other versions before that work correctly.

I can see that in the version 3.10.0 there is a major change to "No longer rely on Feliz.UseListener" and I am afraid that with this change we will face the same problem when we upgrade our app and components to fable version 4.0 in future.

Is it a bug with Feliz.Router version 3.10 upward or I need to change something in my App or Component?