Zaid-Ajaj / LiteDB.FSharp

Advanced F# Support for LiteDB, an embedded NoSql database for .NET with type-safe query expression through F# quotations
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Unhandled Exception: ... invalid name ... at LiteDB.BsonDocument.set_Item in 'mutable' field #27

Closed srlopez closed 5 years ago

srlopez commented 5 years ago

The mutable attribute avoids insert in LiteDB, or passing through Json's encoder, something happens that the name of the field is modified.

open System
open LiteDB
open LiteDB.FSharp

type Disk = 
    { SizeGb : int }

[<StructuredFormatDisplay("Computer #{Id}: {Manufacturer}/{DiskCount}/{Disks}")>]
type Computer =
    { Id: int
      mutable Manufacturer: string
      mutable Disks: Disk list }
    member __.DiskCount = __.Disks.Length  // property calculated

let main argv =

    let myPc =
        { Id = 0
          Manufacturer = "Computers Inc."
          Disks =
            [ { SizeGb = 100 }
              { SizeGb = 250 }
              { SizeGb = 500 } ] }
    printfn "%A" myPc

    let mapper = FSharpBsonMapper()
    use db = new LiteDatabase("data.db", mapper)
    let computers = db.GetCollection<Computer>("computers")

    // All right , but if I remove the comment on next line I get the error
    // computers.Insert(myPc) |> ignore
    myPc.Manufacturer <- "Dell"
    printfn "%A" myPc

The field you are trying to modify Manufacturer seems to change its name Manufacturer@' The full error is:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Field 'Manufacturer@' has an invalid name.
   at LiteDB.BsonDocument.set_Item(String name, BsonValue value)
   at LiteDB.JsonReader.ReadObject()
   at LiteDB.JsonReader.ReadValue(JsonToken token)
   at LiteDB.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(String json)
   at LiteDB.FSharp.Bson.serialize[t](t entity)
   at LiteDB.FSharp.FSharpBsonMapper.ToDocument[t](t entity)
   at LiteDB.LiteCollection`1.Insert(T document)
   at Program.main(String[] argv) in /app/Program.fs:line ..


humhei commented 5 years ago

mutable Manufacturer dnspy: Decompiled c# codes

public string Manufacturer@;

Converter will try to serialize both property Manufacturer and field Manufacturer@

immutable Manufacturer dnspy: Decompiled c# codes

internal string Manufacturer@;

Converter will only try to serialize property Manufacturer

srlopez commented 5 years ago

@humhei How can I fix it? It's a problem of my code or it's an authentic issue?

humhei commented 5 years ago

In fsharp world mutable fields in record type is not recommanded(Not thread safe; I didn't see others to use it) What's your use case of it?


Create a new record instead of setting property mutable

open System
open LiteDB
open LiteDB.FSharp

type Disk = 
    { SizeGb : int }

[<StructuredFormatDisplay("Computer #{Id}: {Manufacturer}/{DiskCount}/{Disks}")>]
type Computer =
    { Id: int
      Manufacturer: string
      Disks: Disk list }
    member __.DiskCount = __.Disks.Length  // property calculated

let main argv =

    let myPc =
        { Id = 0
          Manufacturer = "Computers Inc."
          Disks =
            [ { SizeGb = 100 }
              { SizeGb = 250 }
              { SizeGb = 500 } ] }
    printfn "%A" myPc

    let mapper = FSharpBsonMapper()
    use db = new LiteDatabase("data.db", mapper)
    let computers = db.GetCollection<Computer>("computers")

    let myDellPc = 
            {myPc with Manufacturer = "Dell" }
    computers.Insert(myDellPc) |> ignore

Zaid-Ajaj commented 5 years ago

Hmm even though it is not recommended, I don't see an issue in supporting mutable constructs in the library, I will work on it...

srlopez commented 5 years ago

Hmm even though it is not recommended, I don't see an issue in supporting mutable constructs in the library, I will work on it...

And [<BsonIgnore>] and [<BsonField>] too, please

Zaid-Ajaj commented 5 years ago

I am afraid that [<BsonIgnore>] doesn't really make sense within F# records. Using a member within the record is the way to go as it will be used to compute properties derived from the record fields and doesn't get persisted (= ignored) as follows:

type Computer =
    { Id: int
      Manufacturer: string
      Disks: Disk list }

    // this is not persisted
    with member this.Ignored = sprintf "%d => %s" this.Id this.Manufacturer

Aren't these members good enough for your use-case?

we can continue discussion at #26

As for [<BsonField>] I think it is possible but will require more work, I will open another issue for it.

Zaid-Ajaj commented 5 years ago

Fixed and released in version 2.8.0 to nuget, should be available really soon when nuget does it's magic. Now I decided to take control of how the fields are marshalled, so now these mutable records will work just fine :smile: