Open wiredsister opened 1 year ago
Hi there Gina, I believe in your case when you SELECT *
you should cast the enum to a string, then read.text "kind" |> toUser
will work as expected. So your query should look something like this:
SELECT id, kind::text FROM table_name
I don't recommend using WHERE id={uuid}
instead use parameterized queries:
SELECT id, kind::text FROM table_name WHERE id=@id
let getUser (userId:Guid) : UserData =
Sql.connect Storage.connectionString
|> Sql.query $"SELECT id, kind::text FROM {Storage.Users.table} WHERE id=@id"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", SqlValue.Uuid userId ]
|> Sql.execute (fun read ->
id = read.uuid "id"
kind = toUser(read.text "kind")
Thanks @Zaid-Ajaj, I'll give this a try and let you know how it goes. Cheers.
How would a usage for writing it work @Zaid-Ajaj?
@KanagawaMarcos similar to reading, in your F# code you write the value as string when supplying the parameters but in your SQL code you cast the input string to the enum type (if I am not mistaken) @input::user
I wrote some generic extensions and helper functions to achieve this:
type RowReaderExtensions() =
static member enum<'T when 'T :> Enum>(read: RowReader, fieldName) =
static member enumOrNone<'T when 'T :> Enum and 'T: null>(read: RowReader, fieldName) =
|> Option.ofObj
static member enumArray<'T when 'T :> Enum>(read: RowReader, fieldName) =
read.NpgsqlReader.GetFieldValue<'T array>(read.NpgsqlReader.GetOrdinal(fieldName))
module Sql =
let enum<'T when 'T :> Enum> (d: 'T) =
Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter(Value = d))
let enumOrNone<'T when 'T :> Enum> (d: 'T option) =
match d with
| None -> SqlValue.Null
| Some value -> enum value
let enumArray<'T when 'T :> Enum> (d: 'T[]) =
Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter(Value = d))
type User =
| Developer = 0
| API = 1
| Person = 2
let registerCustomTypes () =
// register enums
|> ignore
type UserData = {
id: Guid
kind: User
let getUser (uuid:Guid) : UserData =
Sql.connect Storage.connectionString
|> Sql.query $"SELECT id, kind::text FROM {Storage.Users.table} WHERE id=@id"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", SqlValue.Uuid userId ]
|> Sql.execute (fun read ->
id = read.uuid "id"
kind = read.enum<User> "kind"
Hope it helps :-)
Hi there,
Wondering if Enumerated Types would ever be supported at a library level? Would you be open to that type of feature as a contribution?
Example: let's say I have a union type
and in my Postgres database i have
Would this make sense as an API?
Or perhaps something even simpler, like:
Or is this a solved problem that I'm just not finding anywhere?
Thank you for your great library.
Best, Gina