Zaid-Ajaj / Snowflaqe

A dotnet CLI to generate type-safe GraphQL clients for F# and Fable with automatic deserialization, static query verification and type checking
MIT License
154 stars 25 forks source link

Publish packages to GitHub Packages and NuGet automatically #78

Open xperiandri opened 1 year ago

xperiandri commented 1 year ago

To GitHub Packages on merge to master To NuGet on version tag creation

@Zaid-Ajaj will you accept such PR?

Zaid-Ajaj commented 1 year ago

@xperiandri A PR would be nice!

xperiandri commented 1 year ago

@Juriyx copy from please

Juriyx commented 1 year ago

@Zaid-Ajaj Hi, Zaid. In case of Snowflaqe and Snowflaqe.Tasks projects, should I add all the steps in the end of the Program.fs file to GitHub workflows or just Build, Test, Pack, Publish steps?

xperiandri commented 3 weeks ago

@Zaid-Ajaj I looked at your build project logic and looks like you have already implemented that. If so we can close this