Zailer43 / FZMM-Mod

A fabric mod that is mainly for editing or creating NBT of items in creative but it also has a few utilities
The Unlicense
24 stars 4 forks source link

Bug list #7

Closed FurnyGo closed 2 years ago

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago
  1. The head generator and the skin search by nickname in the Player statue do not work image

  2. The values in Brightness and hueStep have a lot of extra unnecessary digits by default image

  3. If the image is too large in "Book tooltip", this happens: image

  4. The screen of the head generator has no background dimming

  5. The second line in the description of the Armor Stand for Player Statue has no color image

  6. "preserveImageAspectRatioInImagetext:false" does not work when the image is already loaded

  7. I want to make a translation of this mod, but the buttons in the main menu do not change the size for the text But at the same time in other sections everything is fine image image

  8. The image in the Book Tooltip has an unnecessary line at the end and a distance at the beginning that breaks the picture image
Zailer43 commented 2 years ago
  1. The head generator and the skin search by nickname in the Player statue do not work

that should be fixed for alpha 3 in

  1. The values in Brightness and hueStep have a lot of extra unnecessary digits by default

thanks, fixed

  1. If the image is too large in "Book tooltip", this happens:

thanks, fixed

  1. The screen of the head generator has no background dimming

thanks, fixed

  1. The second line in the description of the Armor Stand for Player Statue has no color

fixed and added translation

  1. "preserveImageAspectRatioInImagetext:false" does not work when the image is already loaded

thanks, fixed

  1. The image in the Book Tooltip has an unnecessary line at the end and a distance at the beginning that breaks the picture

I can't fix the start line, it's something from the minecraft tooltip to delimit the name and lore extra line break is fixed

  1. I want to make a translation of this mod, but the buttons in the main menu do not change the size for the text But at the same time in other sections everything is fine

thanks, fixed

Zailer43 commented 2 years ago

try to replicate 1 with

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago

try to replicate 1 with

image does not work

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago
  1. "Back" does not return to the main screen, but closes the menu completely
Zailer43 commented 2 years ago

try to replicate 1 with

image does not work

try this and when it doesn't work send me the logs

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago

[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]: org.apache.http.ConnectionClosedException: Premature end of chunk coded message body: closing chunk expected
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at$loadImage$0(
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at java.base/
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: org.apache.http.ConnectionClosedException: Premature end of chunk coded message body: closing chunk expected
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at java.base/
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at java.base/
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   at
[23:12:07] [Thread-9/INFO]: [STDERR]:   ... 5 more
FurnyGo commented 2 years ago

and this

[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/$T13CertificateConsumer.checkServerCerts(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/$T13CertificateConsumer.onConsumeCertificate(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/$T13CertificateConsumer.consume(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory.createLayeredSocket(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory.connectSocket(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultHttpClientConnectionOperator.connect(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.connect(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec.establishRoute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec.execute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.execchain.ProtocolExec.execute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec.execute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RedirectExec.execute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.client.InternalHttpClient.doExecute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at$loadImage$0(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/$T13CertificateConsumer.checkServerCerts(
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  ... 28 more
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[23:13:47] [Thread-10/INFO]: [STDERR]:  ... 33 more
Zailer43 commented 2 years ago

well, no way, anyway I wanted to remove that library since it weighs about 800kb

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago

image The background is too light and the buttons are uneven

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago

image image The maximum value is similar to point 2

Zailer43 commented 2 years ago

image The background is too light and the buttons are uneven

the background is darker than in the other screens but I'm using the minecraft vanilla background while in the others I use the malilib one, I didn't make this screen with malilib since I don't know how

Edit: and the buttons are not centered since the layers of the head appear on the left, although the truth is that it looks ugly

Zailer43 commented 2 years ago

image image The maximum value is similar to point 2

burn the floats, use doubles, my new motto

FurnyGo commented 2 years ago
  1. When you change the fzmmMainGui key, the menu opens only when you press the changed key and Z, not just the changed key and when you return the value back, you still have to press the changed key and Z (fixed only after restarting)