Zain-ul-din / whatsapp-ai-bot

This is a WhatsApp AI bot that uses various AI models, including Gemini, GPT, DALL-E, and StabilityAI, to generate responses to user input.
MIT License
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[Enhancement] - Using different prompts to signify which model to choose is strange. #3

Closed IIvexII closed 1 year ago

IIvexII commented 1 year ago

You can make a single prompt and let your model choose which model will suit this input text.


!bot Generate an image of a black cat with light green eyes

Note: Choose DALL-E automatically and generate an image.



!bot what is HTTP?

Note: Choose ChatGPT automatically.


HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol used to transfer data over the internet. It is a standard application layer protocol that defines how data is transmitted between web servers and web browsers.

Zain-ul-din commented 1 year ago

You could create a custom model to achieve this functionality.

Creating a Custom Model

To create a custom model, you need to add a new field in models.Custom. The modelName field specifies the name of the model, and the prefix field specifies the prefix that the model uses. The enable field determines whether the model is enabled or not, and the context field specifies the context that the model uses to generate responses. The context can be a string of text, a file path, or a URL.

    modelName: "your_model_name",
    prefix: "!your_prefix", 
    enable: true, 
    context: "your_context" | "path to file (.md,.txt)" | "url",

Test your model


Hey GPT, if the provided question seems to be asking for an image then just return the question with the prefix !dalle otherwise return the question with the prefix !chatgpt


   Generate an image of a black cat with light green eyes
   you should return =>   !dalle Generate an image of a black cat with light green eyes

  what is HTTP?
  you should return => !chatgpt what is HTTP?

Example End.


image image

Note! Although this approach will work. But, there is an overhead check this diagram how this process is working.


See more about how the custom model works under the hood

Apart from that, To achieve this kind of functionality we need to use an NLP model on the server side which may slow down the response. Note! All models being used in this bot is not free any mistake may cause a loss of money.

Maybe in the future, I plan to use a custom TensorFlow NLP model


Another option is: Google is releasing a new AI model Bard which can respond to messages in latency of seconds.

Bard Overview

ZeanArd commented 6 days ago

error /root/WhatsApp-Ai-bot/node_modules/whatsapp-web.js/node_modules/puppeteer: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node install.js Arguments: Directory: /root/WhatsApp-Ai-bot/node_modules/whatsapp-web.js/node_modules/puppeteer Output: The chromium binary is not available for arm64. If you are on Ubuntu, you can install with:

sudo apt install chromium

sudo apt install chromium-browser

/root/WhatsApp-Ai-bot/node_modules/whatsapp-web.js/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/node/BrowserFetcher.js:119 throw new Error(); ^

Error at /root/WhatsApp-Ai-bot/node_modules/whatsapp-web.js/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/node/BrowserFetcher.js:119:27 at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:198:21)

Node.js v22.3.

How to solve it?

Zain-ul-din commented 6 days ago

move this discussion here