ZainCheema / Indoor-Positioning-System-using-BLE-and-Flutter

Indoor Positioning System using Bluetooth Low Energy and Triangulation
56 stars 18 forks source link

Beacons suggestions #2

Open Adrianogba opened 2 weeks ago

Adrianogba commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! Your project is awesome, I'm trying to start doing something close to that to locate people on my university, but I'm at the very beginning of the idea. What kinds of bluetooth beacon models or suggestions can you give?

ZainCheema commented 1 week ago

Hi Adriano!

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Depends on your use case, and what devices you have at your disposal.

If you're using Android, I'd suggest using Eddystone, it's Googles standard and exposes a large range of data that could be useful for whatever use case you have.

If you need anything else, or have any other questions, let me know!