Zakarik / foundry-mm3

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Request: Separate Power name from Effect #22

Closed DeviousHearts closed 10 months ago

DeviousHearts commented 10 months ago

On the character sheet, it has the power name and then the effect but this often gets clipped off to the side. image Would it be possible to have the listed Power Effect below the name so that if the name is obscure, we can instantly tell what type of effect it is based on.

So, instead of this, Power 1 copy

we would get Untitled-1

and collapsed, instead of this: Power 1 collapsed

We would get this: Power 2 collapsed

TitanicViking commented 10 months ago

I think this would be a huge improvement on labeling powers :)

Zakarik commented 10 months ago

It will be on the next update.