ZakuroLab / spacemesh-cuda

Spacemesh-cuda is a library for plot acceleration using CUDA-enabled GPUs.
MIT License
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In the case of over 4070 cards, only one graphics card can be used for calculation #2

Open Inayatulluh opened 2 weeks ago

Inayatulluh commented 2 weeks ago

I used six 4070 graphics cards for calculation, but only one was running as a whole, and this task would occupy the graphics memory of other graphics cards, causing them to be unable to call. 微信图片_20240609153041

tickinbuaa commented 2 weeks ago

We will add support for multiple GPUs as soon as possible. The project has currently been tested only on 30-series and 20-series graphics cards. Based on user feedback, the performance on the 40-series has decreased compared to the official program. We will investigate and address this issue.

tickinbuaa commented 1 week ago

In postcli, there is a parameter --provider used to specify which GPU to use. You can create multiple processes, each using a different GPU.