Zamirathe / ZaupFeast

Feast Rocket Plugin for Unturned 3.0
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Feast Vehicle drops? #10

Open Ayria opened 8 years ago

Ayria commented 8 years ago

I've been trying to contact you via the Rocket site, but for some reason I can't register. (Not getting the verification email. Not in spam folder either.)

Anyway, is there a special way I have to type something out to get Vehicles to spawn at Feast drop sites?

Ty for your time,

Zamirathe commented 8 years ago

Vehicles are not able to be spawned by the Feast.

Ayria commented 8 years ago

This is sad =( Is this something you plan in the future? Also, do you know what this guy means: " ApokPT June 15, 2015 — 5:14 PM This has to do with the Y axis from where they are falling. I tested this reducing it to y+15 from the ground it works… but anything above that value when it hits the floor cannot be picked up."

I was looking up a way to fix items from feasts glitching so they cannot be picked up. (Currently using VinIsland map.)

Zamirathe commented 8 years ago

If they drop from too high in the sky, they will be glitched when they get to the ground. The skydrop fixed that issue.

Ayria commented 8 years ago

Using skydrop on VinIsland map, some towns like LoneTown all items (except on roofs) are still glitched. =\

Zamirathe commented 8 years ago

I pushed a new update to hopefully fix those items still glitching. Please let me know if it resolves it.

No, I was not planning on ever adding vehicles to the feast. Especially when a few would fall/appear where they would be inaccessible.