Zannick / logic-graph

Tools for video game logic representation and analysis, particularly routing and beatability checks for speedruns and randomizers.
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Separate item tags from location tags #151

Open Zannick opened 3 months ago

Zannick commented 3 months ago

I'm presently defining locations in AV2 based on vanilla item locations, but in randomizers, some locations won't be accessible, because there are two classes of items: breakable powerups and standing items. The former can be acquired remotely with the boomerang, shockwave, or a specific enemy interaction "sync", and the latter can only be picked up by standing close enough to interact with it. We would need logic to account for this when creating a randomizer.

  1. There should be item tags that follow the item rather than the location. Most likely we should define these in Game.yaml so we don't have to reproduce them on every vanilla location (especially as many locations are grouped together via canon names).
  2. We will need to provide this item info to rules somehow.