Zannick / logic-graph

Tools for video game logic representation and analysis, particularly routing and beatability checks for speedruns and randomizers.
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Consider warps/actions to data locations as base edges for distance purposes #152

Closed Zannick closed 2 months ago

Zannick commented 2 months ago

It's simple enough to check if to is a data value that's defined at a spot, but we should also restrict those edges to only count if it's possible to do at that spot at all.

E.g. in req: ^realm == 'breach' and Exit_Breach and ^flipside != $default, ^realm is a data value compared to a constant, so we can tell whether it would fail this. Another similar example is allow_warps and $ft_main and (^map_spot WITHIN `Menu > Kiengir Map`) where $ft_main contains a ^realm == 'main' check, and ^map_spot is also a data value.