Zannick / logic-graph

Tools for video game logic representation and analysis, particularly routing and beatability checks for speedruns and randomizers.
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Reduce solution spam #178

Open Zannick opened 2 weeks ago

Zannick commented 2 weeks ago

Starting with an existing solution and the routes I've used as seeds for a while, the search generated tons of Similar solutions and did not even reach 100k iters before I stopped it from writing too much to disk. We need to make sure that the solutions really are unique, or start tightening much earlier.

Zannick commented 2 weeks ago

Further goals here:

  1. Change solution uniqueness back to location visits only. Until #179 is done, we can add an action id mapping to whether it visits.
  2. Reduce acceptance of solutions that have the same uniqueness (or specifically of Similar solutions). eg. reject if the solution is not new (existing uniqueness) and is not strictly better than the top N of that uniqueness.
Zannick commented 2 weeks ago

For some reason I thought solution uniqueness was locations and actions; it was not. I'll still add in the action id mapping to include the visiting actions.

Zannick commented 1 week ago

Maybe we can let up on max_time so that we still collect all these Similar solutions but omit the debug logs and maybe other aspects. It's possible that the additional states help us explore a little better, but not clear because there is a lower bound for the best time so tweaking could get us different results anyway, especially if we feed the best result from the last run back in as I'm doing now.