Zarby89 / Enemizer

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Ice Palace Tongue Pull Glitch #21

Closed EnderofGames closed 6 years ago

EnderofGames commented 6 years ago

I apologize if it is not the Enemizer causing this problem, but I have rarely ran into this problem and I believe it is caused by the enemy randomization somehow:

The "last chest" you get to in Ice Palace, as little of a name I have for it, which I believe the item randomizer calls "[dungeon-D5-B5] Ice Palace - b5 up staircase" has a tongue-activated door to go back towards the boss-area of the dungeon. When using Enemizer, this tongue sometimes pulls, makes a Zelda-Unlock noise, but does not open the door.

In this image, the tongue is pulled, but the door that link is looking at should be open:

tongue no work

This is not a softlock, nor a "Save & Quit" lock, as there is an exit above that is not preferred for time or enemies. It has happened in about one in five (20%) of all Enemizers I have seen or watched. Occasionally, though possible anecdotal, I see what looks like a changed sprite in the tongue-statue during transition.

If a ROM with this glitch occurring is wanted or needed, I can upload it, just ask.

sosuke3 commented 6 years ago

This appears to be caused by statues in the same super room. Statues will be excluded from this room in the next version.