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Enemy location tests #87

Open Songleaves opened 6 years ago

Songleaves commented 6 years ago

RoomIdConstants.R11_PalaceofDarkness_TurtleRoom, // TODO: test, probably the single turtle in the L section

Can hug the wall and get past without taking damage.

RoomIdConstants.R25_PalaceofDarkness_DarkMaze, // TODO: test, top mob will probably block maze

Top mob does indeed block maze

RoomIdConstants.R30_IcePalace_BombFloor_BariRoom, // TODO: test

Can get past without taking damage

RoomIdConstants.R39_TowerofHera_BigChest, // TODO: test, top left dodongo

Top left dodongo blocks path, bottom left dodongo can be squeezed by without taking damage but it is tricky:

RoomIdConstants.R75_PalaceofDarkness_Warps_SouthMimicsRoom, // TODO: test

Can get by without taking damage.

RoomIdConstants.R85_CastleSecretEntrance_UncleDeathRoom, // TODO: test

Can get by without taking damage.

RoomIdConstants.R95_IcePalace_HiddenChest_SpikeFloorRoom, // TODO: would this cause problem in OHKO since you can't hookshot if middle mob is beamos,etc?

Can still Hookshot without taking damage when middle enemy is beamos, can also hookshot back to chest (although a bit tricky):

RoomIdConstants.R131_DesertPalace_WestEntranceRoom, // TODO: test

Can get by just fine.

RoomIdConstants.R132_DesertPalace_MainEntranceRoom, // TODO: test

No issues here.

RoomIdConstants.R133_DesertPalace_EastEntranceRoom, // TODO: test (only a problem for ER?)

No issues here.

RoomIdConstants.R140_GanonsTower_EastandWestDownstairs_BigChestRoom, // TODO: test (probably safe?)

No issues here.

RoomIdConstants.R146_MiseryMire_DarkBombWall_SwitchesRoom, // TODO: test

The sliding spike block blocks the way through.

RoomIdConstants.R149_GanonsTower_FinalCollapsingBridgeRoom, // TODO: test, probably safe because of conveyor belts

Is safe to get past.

RoomIdConstants.R156_GanonsTower_InvisibleFloorMazeRoom, // TODO: test

This is fine.

RoomIdConstants.R160_MiseryMire_Pre_VitreousRoom, // TODO: test

Anti fairy blocks path.

RoomIdConstants.R170_EasternPalace_MapChestRoom, // TODO: test

Both doors on right side are blocked:

RoomIdConstants.R179_MiseryMire_SpikeKeyChestRoom, // TODO: test lower stalfos blocking door

Can't squeeze past lower stalfos as beamos without taking damage:

RoomIdConstants.R187_ThievesTown_Hellway, // TODO: test, should be ok but double check

No issues.

RoomIdConstants.R188_ThievesTown_ConveyorToilet, // TODO: test

No issues.

RoomIdConstants.R208_AgahnimsTower_DarkMaze, // TODO: test

Can navigate through entirety of dark maze just fine except for the blue guard is blocking the chest.

RoomIdConstants.R220_ThievesTown_SouthEastEntranceRoom, // TODO: test

Left side to this chest is blocked, but can get to it from the right side. It's tricky, but you can squeeze past the enemy after going upstairs just barely by going north of them:

RoomIdConstants.R249_Cave0xF9, // TODO: test, probably can get past

Can get past these guys no problem.

sosuke3 commented 6 years ago

Hi Songleaves. I remember you doing this for us, but I don't remember what mobs you tested with. Was it beamos or others? Thanks

dataworld1 commented 6 years ago

Two enemy locations with guaranteed damage:

1 2