Zarby89 / ZeldaHud

Zelda Randomizer Hud
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Issues with Auto-Update #9

Closed parciesca closed 7 years ago

parciesca commented 7 years ago

This may somehow be associated to me but I'm seeing no guidance for this issue in any instructions or on the current or closed issues on your Git page here. I've had this problem since the first downloaded version of your HUD tool (HUDZelda.exe), and continues now that I've downloaded the newest version (zeldaGui.exe).

Anytime I set the auto-update on, it will black out most of the icons, select the flute, bomb, 3rd crystal, and 4th crystal as though I have obtained them, and never update. I'm using SNES9x, both 1.51 and latest version of 1.54.1. I've configured SNES9x to auto-save SRAM every second (was previously configured to every 30 seconds) and have both started a new save/new game/new SRM file and launched it before getting any items as well as loading it up for an existing SRM for a save that has multiple items. No matter what I do, it highlights those 4 items, blacks out most of them, and will not auto-update with items as I receive them. This is true whether I use a randomizer ROM from v5, v6, v7, the VT website's v8, or an original US ROM. This issue occurs regardless of ROM, emulator, clean installs, different versions of the HUD.

miketrethewey commented 7 years ago

I'm just a volunteer here, but, I have heard this behavior manifest itself when the SRAM Trace flag is not in fact set in the specific instance of the ROM file that you're trying to extract using the SRAM Trace function. The SRAM Trace flag actually enables the ability of the system to output the appropriate data to the appropriate memory addresses.

Please let me know if I have assumed incorrectly.

parciesca commented 7 years ago

I see that option in the v7 software and VT page. I will see what I can do when I get home from work to enable that, but I did not previously observe that setting.

miketrethewey commented 7 years ago

On the VT site, the flag is not in an overt location. Recently, the spiffy pulsing effect was added for the ROM Options area. That should be what you're missing. I hope that gets you in the correct direction!

parciesca commented 7 years ago

That did it, my bad and thanks for the assist!