Zarius / Bukkit-OtherBlocks

OtherBlocks (now known as OtherDrops) plugin for Bukkit (dev build:
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 17 forks source link

Multiple feature requests #210

Closed Wolfieboh closed 11 years ago

Wolfieboh commented 11 years ago

Not really sure how I'm supposed to do this so I'll just put all of my requests in one ticket.

New action:

tame_success, tame_fail - Would apply to both cat and wolf taming(and any future animals)

USES - Could set different events and drops for taming(such as a chance for your pets to duplicate, would provide hook-in for mcMMO taming too using other external plugins, such as mcmmolevelevent and boommcmmo)

New Action:

on_craft - Would apply upon successfully crafting an item(would accept item names/ids for specific items(on_craft@stone)).

USES - Would be able to customize crafting in OD a bit with this, add rewards for crafting certain items, or even random events to crafting certain things.

New Action:

step_on, step_off - Would apply when a player or mob walks on or off a certain block(warning, would be very dangerous and should have a config setting defaulting to off)

USES - Would open up a whole new world of possibilities for adding special perks and abilities using OD, could make special effects for different biomes, like swamplands that poison when you walk on them, etc.

New Condition:

cooldown - Would only allow the drop, event, action, etc to happen after the allotted time passes(in ticks)

USES - Self explanatory

Zarius commented 11 years ago

Not sure about tame_success/fail, will think about that one.

Crafting is something I'm considering but as a separate plugin for more flexibility, as is step damage.

Cooldowns are definitely planned for OtherDrops... coming soon(ish) :)

CelticMinstrel commented 11 years ago

Don't put all your requests into one ticket. Always make a separate ticket for each request.