Zarius / Bukkit-OtherBlocks

OtherBlocks (now known as OtherDrops) plugin for Bukkit (dev build:
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 17 forks source link

Build #86 broke this set up(not sure what part is broken) #245

Closed charlie1990 closed 11 years ago

charlie1990 commented 11 years ago

This is my test configuration for testing my bandit mobs and upon updating from build 82 to build 86 it stopped working(not sure about builds in-between) When you right click sand as an OP(no one actually has the admin permission used here) its supposed to spawn a few renamed zombies that wear various armor which no longer works in this build.

    - dropgroup: bandits1
      trigger: RIGHT_CLICK
      permission: admin
          - drop: ZOMBIE@eq:head:SKULL_ITEM@Steve%0!!eq:hands:IRON_SWORD%0!!eq:feet:LEATHER_BOOTS%0!!eq:chest:IRON_CHESTPLATE%0!!eq:legs:IRON_LEGGINGS%0!!50h~&dBandit Warrior/1
            potioneffect.drop: SPEED@6000@2
          - drop: SKELETON@eq:head:SKULL_ITEM@Steve%0!!eq:hands:BOW%0!!eq:feet:LEATHER_BOOTS%0!!eq:chest:LEATHER_CHESTPLATE%0!!eq:legs:LEATHER_LEGGINGS%0!!30h~&dBandit Archer/0-2
            potioneffect.drop: SPEED@6000@2
          - drop: ZOMBIE@eq:head:SKULL_ITEM@Steve%0!!eq:hands:GOLD_SWORD%0!!eq:feet:LEATHER_BOOTS%0!!eq:chest:GOLD_CHESTPLATE%0!!eq:legs:GOLD_LEGGINGS%0!!70h~&dBandit Leader/1
            chance: 20
            potioneffect.drop: SPEED@6000@2
          - drop: ZOMBIE@eq:head:SKULL_ITEM@Herobrine%0!!eq:hands:DIAMOND_SWORD%0!!eq:feet:LEATHER_BOOTS%0!!eq:chest:DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE%0!!eq:legs:DIAMOND_LEGGINGS%0!!100h~&dBandit Overlord/1
            chance: 1
            potioneffect.drop: [SPEED@6000@2, INCREASE_DAMAGE@6000@1]
charlie1990 commented 11 years ago

Ok, confirmed it for myself, any build after 82 has this problem