Zarkonnen / se-interpreter

Interpreter for Selenium Builder JSON scripts based on node.js and wd.
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Multiple "browserOptions" in settings dont work #14

Closed davidlinse closed 10 years ago

davidlinse commented 10 years ago

I'm facing the following issue.

Using the sample configuration from which defines Firefox and Opera does run tests with first browser in list only.

Did i miss something ?

There seems to be also an issue when specifying --browser-browserName= multiple times from cli. This will make the browserOptions object look like {"browserName":["firefox","chrome"]} and the process fails.

Update: Maybe its a good idea to be a bit more specific about passing args from cli in the ?

regards ~david

Zarkonnen commented 10 years ago

Thanks - I'll look into this shortly.

Zarkonnen commented 10 years ago

OK, so part of the issue at least is that I can't get playback on Opera to work at all, and have submitted a Selenium bug to this effect.

So if nothing else, I should change the sample config to something more reliable. :)

Relatedly, I've also noticed that Selenium Server seems to have stopped being able to pick up my install of Chrome without being explicitly given a chromedriver.

I'll now have a look at multiple --browser-browserName= specifications.

Zarkonnen commented 10 years ago

OK, looks like versions of Opera above 12 are not supported by Selenium anymore. That explains that.

Zarkonnen commented 10 years ago

This is fixed, and I've tried to explain to the Selenium devs that they may need to document this better. shrug